Lets finally settle this, who's better Cristiano Ronaldo, or Lionel Messi?

Sunday, 31 March 2013

New Team(s)

Welcome back.

I've recently sold my Inform team for 240k, which means I made a 15k profit on the squad as I bought it for 225k. It took me a couple of days to figure out which type of team I wanted and one that would fit my playing style, then it came to me to make more than one team; one for Attacking, Defending and a final one which includes a mixture of both. These are the teams I came up with.

Attacking - AC Milan:

Defending - Bor. Dortmund:

Mixture - Manchester United:

I use all these teams on a regular basis, especially for important Online Season games. If I need the win then I use AC Milan, need a point then I use Bor. Dortmund etc. I've recently discovered that you can challenge 'Team of the Week' from past weeks. I've been challenging teams of the week ever since the first one came out by going back to previous line-ups and selecting them, and if you challenge them on 'Ultimate' difficulty and win the match you make around 800/900 coins per game. I need to challenge 29 teams and so if I win all of them then I should make around 23,200-26,100 coins; easy money.

Anyway, let me know what you think about my new teams and maybe about how I can improve them.

Thank you.

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